Our Focus

Self Rx was founded by editors, publishers, marketers, and information technology experts who recognize that information technology is shifting primary sources of medical information, and in many cases, actual therapy, away from fixed locations such as hospitals and doctors’ offices, and into the hands of people with diabetes. This is good news, since diabetes already demands daily mindfulness and self-guided action. By further empowering and motivating individuals to more proactively manage their health, we can significantly reduce the strain on their lives, their loved ones, and on an already overburdened health care system.

Self Rx reports on the most promising developments in science, technology, and therapy in diabetes care for the future. As of 2013, about 382 million people have diabetes; 592 million predicted by 2035. The greatest number of people with diabetes are between ages 40 and 59. The number of people with Type 2 diabetes is increasing in every country.


Self Rx publishes the diabetes digital publications Insulin Nation and Type 2 Nation. Each digital platform features articles, blog posts, commentary, and product reviews that influence millions of people in the U.S. and around the world every day. People with diabetes, and the loved ones who care for them, rely on Self Rx’s digital platforms to inspire them to improve their health now.


In addition to informing and inspiring our readers, we develop lead generation solutions that enable our partners to connect their products and services with a large audience of those who are actively seeking new opportunities to improve their health. We have a lot of lead gen experience and would welcome discussing your needs.

If you are interested in encouraging better health and better approaches to diabetes care, please contact Jim Hensel at jim@selfrxmedia.com

Our Publications

Self Rx’s digital platforms combine original content – feature articles, columnists, commentary and product reviews – with information curated from publications, social media and other websites. The end result is a single source for the latest information on the research, treatments, and technologies that can help people living with diabetes; one that is accessible 24/7 from desktops, tablets and mobile devices.
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InsulinNation, launched in 2011, receives over 630,000 unique visitors annually, solely through organic traffic and social media outreach.

Please contact Jim Hensel at jim@selfrxmedia.com for more details.


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